Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Snow apps for the iphone....

My year 9 class had a go with Tony Cassidy's excellent resource yesterday...

Here is some of the work that they produced:

They developed some great iphone apps, including:
Sledge- informs you of of the best spots for sledging.
Hand Heater- rub the phone to generate heat.
Met Office- for up to date forecasts.
Thermometer: To check the temperature.
Games such as snowboarding to keep you occupied if bored.
Bus and Southern Rail timetables.
Facebook to keep in touch with friends if snowed in.
Heart FM- for local news and travel information.
Road Closure app.
Layer- Advises you on how many layers to wear.
Food Stock- Type in your postcode and food ingredient and it informs you of stock numbers.

Thanks to Alan Parkinson for sending me this icon based on one idea of an app for informing you about the best spots for sledging. Tom and Joe can now argue it out about who thought of it first, or share the wealth! ;)

Thanks to Tony for sharing his fantastic resources! :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Smith
Great not having to be at school today but i would love to have been in your class today because you are such a good teacher!!!!!!
from Louis Mackay

Mrs Smith said...

Aw, thanks Louis! It makes me happy to know you are reading my blog on your snow day!! Will see you next lesson :)

Mrs Smith said...

Louis- Just realised you were meant to comment on the other post about your experiences of the snow and what you had been up to- in a little more detail! :)

Tony Cassidy said...

Brilliant work, please pass on my regards to your students.